"Pathways to Excellence Innovative Teacher Institute" - Co-produced and edited with Dr. Nicole Ortegón
"Writing Successful Chemistry Lab Reports" [view all materials]
"Introduction to Microsoft Excel"
"Creating a profile on WikkaWiki"
"git and GitHub - Getting started"
"Writing for the Web - Tools (p. 1)"
Cover page from Document Design syllabus (2020).
Excerpt from slides on militarized police equipment.
Excerpt from infographic on Amazon Rainforest fires.
Excerpt from guide to using Zotero standalone with labeled UI.
Handout on Benjamin Franklin with excerpt from his autobiography.
Handout on history of U.S. flag.
Children's book on solar system. Full spread. Accordion bound.
Worksheet to practice metric measurements.
Poster for CSCW conference. Content: co-authored. Poster design: mine. Actual size: 48" x 36"
Model presented at InfoSocial conference.
Flow chart of collection and data cleaning methods for social media study. Boring colors/font due to dissertation sticklers sucking up my time.
Slide showing different JSON components of a tweet for a talk I gave to high school kids on internet research.
Thought experiement to visualize bad FrameMaker instructions from a consumer product.
Bulletin board ad for writing contest. Actual size: tabloid.
Display poster for contest reception. Actual size: 24" x 36"
Protocol poster for elementary school. Part of a series. Actual size: tabloid.
Photograph of all six posters in elementary school series.
Pages from an almanac I authored and designed: 260 pages, double-sided, spiral bound, 2-up.
Poster for class on Vietnam War that I taught.
Part of a booklet modeling social distancing in classrooms due to COVID-19.
Entry form for a writing contest.
A nutrition facts label according to FDA guidelines for labeling food items.
A simple line graphic of the solar system.
Screen capture from "Dissertation: the 'game'" -- Made with Bitsy, release forthcoming.
Examples for a baseball scorebook I made. Release forthcoming.
Logo for a fictional company that I use with my students. Inspired by United Van Lines. Colors are taken from North American Van Lines.